Cause Of Obesity In The United States

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The balance between consumed calories and burned off energy determines a person's weight. If a person consumes a high amount of energy from his or her diet, particular from fat and sugar, but does not burn off through physical activities or exercises, very likely, exceed amount of energy will be stored by the body as a fat. Gradually, this can lead to obesity. Given these points, the most common causes of obesity are food quality, overeating and physical inactivity. In fact, high quality food, like organic or farmers grown, usually can be found at the large grocery stores or at special markets. Some neighborhoods have no access to grocery stores or farmer markets without necessity of driving. Residents, especially without cars, very often have limited choices of fresh fruits, vegetables or milk products at their corner stores. Moreover, healthy, good quality products, like organic, usually cost more and not everyone can afford to buy them. Also, rather than buy fresh products to cook, people choose processed food or cheap food like hamburgers, fries, pasta, chips or sodas. These products are high in calories, sugar, and saturated fats, and consuming those leads to weight gain and obesity. …show more content…

When people go out, they start with appetizers, then order main meal and finish up with dessert. They might eat bigger portions than they really need because their friends or relatives also eat large portions. In some cases, people simple overeat out of mindless habit, like always watching movies or TV with large boxes of popcorn and soda. In addition, many people eat extensively in response to emotional feelings like stress, tiredness or discomfort. As a result, a person moves in a circle – more food leads to weight gain, this leads to stress, and last one leads to overeating and

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