Cattle Farmer Career

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Being a cattle farmer may interest people because it’s an easy job and don’t require lots of schooling or training. So if you don’t like school and want a job to pay the bills this could be a job for you to consider. The duties of a cattle farmer is to feed the cattle, maintain facilities, and monitor the herd. They also might have to transport cattle from place to place. They might have to make or buy feed for cattle. But the main jobs is build or fix fence, feed and vaccinate cattle, and do maintenance on the equipment they use. Cattle farmers normally make $8.50-$18.75 hourly working fulltime. Part time they make $7-$10 an hour. They make around $68,050 an year. They typically work outdoors with a little paperwork in the house or office. They do strenuous physical work. Normally work 6 days a week’s 8 hours a day. Work can vary from full time to seasonal and hours can change due to weather. Some work from sun up to sun down 7 days a week. …show more content…

You don’t need college classes but it can make it easier to find and get a job. You’ll need to know math and how to manage livestock, operate machinery, and basic farm skills. Most people won’t hire you without experience. But some will train you to what’s needed. You can take Ag classes in high school, work part time on a farm, or just get a part time job. Cattle farming started about 10,000 years ago in the 1800’s. The first cattle where used for transportation and draft work. Later they were used for milk and meat. They first free ranged cattle. Then later on they built fencing to keep them contained and know whose is whose. They started breeding them later in 1760 the years due to rise of wanting beef

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