Catch 22 By Colonel Cathcart

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Plot Summary (1 – 224)
• Catch-22: A circumstance in which there is no escape due to conflicting conditions
• Captain John Yossarian, the protagonist of the story, is the captain of the 256th squadron who serves the United States Army Air Forces during World War II
• His squadron is station in Pianosa, an island located off the coast of Italy
Yossarian is first illustrated as a coward and an outcast in society as he hides in the hospital by pretending to have a liver condition
• Everyone in the squadron thinks Yossarian is crazy because he is the only one who is afraid of the war and believes everyone around him is trying to kill him
• It is now established that Yossarian is the central character and that most of the events told in the story are told in a third person narration from his view
• Colonel Cathcart is seen as one of the major antagonists because he continually raises the required amount of missions
 When Yossarian flies 45, the standard raises to 50 and then quickly to 55, etc.
• Yossarian seems to be haunted by his dead roommate Mudd and by Snowden’s death
• Milo Minderbinder, the mess officer, is introduced as a character that flies around the world trading for goods and makes profits selling 7-cents eggs for 5-cents
• More conflict arises as Yossarian and his friends are set to fly a mission to Bologna, a mission set by Captain Black for their doom
 The mission is delayed due to rain but when it stops, Yossarian moves up the bomb line in his attempt to trick his superiors that they had already captured Bologna
 When the men finally get the go-ahead, it ends up being a milk run
• After this conflict, we learn of Catch-22’s motif, sex
• Yossarian, along with his fellow men, seem to hook up with random prostitute...

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...are rather somber in tone and make at least some passing reference to God.”
“Then let’s get some new ones.” (Heller 192)
• This is a conversation between Colonel Cathcart and the chaplain.
• Colonel Cathcart wants to start saying prayers to get him into the Saturday Evening Post
 He is doing this solely as a tool for success and does not actually believe in god and wants to disregard religion in prayers
• This is important because it starts the chaplains loss of faith as people around him do not understand faith or religion and are using it for the wrong reasons
• Colonel Cathcart clearly does not know anything about religion because he states that Atheism is against the law and they should not receive special accommodations
 This is ironic because Colonel Cathcart is pretty much an Atheist as he wants prayers but wants to disregard God and any religion associated

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