Case Study Of The Lower Buckeye Jail

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On 4/3/2016, I was assigned as the Dock officer at the Lower Buckeye Jail, located at the above address.

At approximately 2030 hours, a pod cell search was conducted in Tower 12-B pod. All inmates housed on the lower tier of the housing unit were removed from their cells, pat searched, and the individual cells searched.

At approximately 2055 hours, I overheard Officer Parks B2611 tell an inmate, later identified as Inmate Dennis, Mario MCSO Booking #T260557, to “go ahead and leave those there.” Inmate Dennis had picked up a couple of oranges that were removed during the cell searches and Inmate Dennis said, “No. I’m keeping these. I’m fucking hungry.” Officer Parks ordered Inmate Dennis to put the oranges down and to “cuff up.” Inmate Dennis …show more content…

I wasn’t. He just put the handcuffs on me and then started beating me up.” I asked Inmate Dennis where his hands were when he was handcuffed; if they were in front of his body, or behind his back. He stated, “In the front.”

I asked Inmate Dennis if anything happened in the hallway on the way to intake and he stated, “No. They just kept pulling me. I was walking but they kept trying to make me look cracked out and that I was fighting. I don’t know why they were doing that. And then they threw me in the cell.” I asked Inmate Dennis if he said anything to the detention officers as they were walking down the hall and he said, “The only thing I asked was ‘why the fuck you grab me for?’”

I asked Inmate Dennis if he was being resistant, did he pull or push away from the officers as they were walking him down the hallway and he said “No. Not at all. I just kept telling them to let me walk and to quit fucking me off.” I asked if he said anything threatening to the officers as they were walking down the hallway and he said, “No. Not at all. I didn’t spit or nothing. They thought I was going to spit.” I asked him why the officers would think he was going to spit if he wasn’t being aggressive or resistant and he stated, “I was yelling and moving my head around. So they probably thought I was going to spit on

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