Case Study Of Capuleta

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Interview with Owner of Capuleta Jean Shinanigan: Hello, my name is Jean Shinanigan, a writer from Health Times. May I ask your name, madam? Lady Capulet: Great to meet you, Mr. Shinanigan. I am Lady Capulet, the owner of Capuleta. Jean Shinanigan: Madam Helen, you are 26 years old, correct? Lady Capulet: Indeed sir, I am 26. Jean Shinanigan: At such a young age, how did you come up with the idea of opening your cosmetics business, featuring your unique products of Cyanide Powder and White Magic Needle (blanching needle, patent pending)? Lady Capulet: I observed that women are looking much older than their actual age. I detest looking old. Beauty is everything to women, and I will do whatever it takes for us to look more beautiful than ever! Jean Shinanigan: I see...what ingredients are used to make your Cyanide Powder? Lady Capulet: We use ceruse (a mixture of white lead and vinegar) and roots of various esoteric plants. Women like to look pale, so we also offer efficient skin and hair care in THE FACE SHOP. We have a new treatment called Bleedpale©, and our customers absolutely enjoy it! Jean Shinanigan: By Bleedpale, do you mean the customers are bled to achieve paleness? Lady Capulet: Yes, but the pain from bleeding is tolerable for most women. Jean Shinanigan: Wouldn’t that hurt though? Lady Capulet: Everthing has a price to it; to achieve true beauty, one must endure the pain. Jean Shinanigan: question, you also mentioned that you guys offer hair care as well. What kind of care do you provide? Lady Capulet: Some women like to dye their hair yellow, so we use a mixture of saffron, cumin seed, celandine, and oil to give them luscious tints of golden hair. Additionally, for VIP customers who wish to bec... ... middle of paper ... ...humb) Leechlady: I hope my interview was helpful for your readers! (Davis Shucklefinch walking out, ‘Phew!’) Mission Statement (Kang To): The ****** is an open forum created by The Sun Inc. for the people in her majesty’s realm to have a better knowledge of their own health conditions. We seek to present to you on important informations and personal opinions from professionals in the most quintessential, content-full, and accurate way. Our primary goal for our magazine is for all of Britain to read our magazine and treat their sicknesses to the best of their ability before consulting a doctor. The content is based on the most controversial and popular topics; the change from one topic to another may change each month. We try to inform you as accurately as possibly, however, as new discoveries are made each day, we may present to you new, and better information.

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