Career Literacy Teacher

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Dear 8th grader,
When I started the 8th grade I was quite nervous and anxious at the same time. To be honest it's not that different from 7th grade. Even though most of your teachers probably tell you it more work and the teachers are really strictked it really no different than seventh grade. As long as you do your work and turn it in on time you will have a good year. If you're on team A you will have Mr. Dunford who teaches language arts, Mrs. Merritt she is the math teacher, Mrs. Lewis is social studies, Mrs. Hall teaches science, and Mr. Watson he teaches career literacy. The wonderful thing about having all of these teachers is that they have a good since of humor.
To start off, with Mrs. Merritt she's the math teacher. You will learn some crazy things with her, and do some interesting math projects. Just a few weeks ago she had us take a roll of toilet Paper, and took off every square to stack it up into a rectangle just to calculate …show more content…

Watson is the career literacy teacher. He is one of the new teachers at Barboursville, but overall he was a good teacher. I had Mr. Watson third period and our class was lit there was only seven kids in there including me, but Over the course of the year you will learn a ton about every career out there. I'm going to warn you all now if you get him started on a topic that’s stupid, or he knows the correct answer to why that his or what happened he will lecture about it and he will prove you wrong. We did a bunch of projects from making tiny houses to playing around with Minecraft for our construction unit. You will be doing a lot of speeches mainly informational speeches but it won't be too bad. He is quite the character though. One time he came to school dressed up in all of his harry potter stuff, and wore it all day while drinking out of his Hogwarts cup. Also he came dressed up as Edgar Allan Poe, and if you don't know who that is you will by the end of his class. He is also probably the biggest nerd you’ve ever

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