Captains Of Industry Dbq

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Throughout history, historians have many times characterized the capitalists who constructed post-Civil War industrial America as either admirable “captains of industry” or wasted “robber barons.” Both of the preceding terms had been used equitably during America’s industrial movements in the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. Nonetheless, the term that is most proper for characterizing these capitalists is “captains of industry”, because although some of them may have gained their wealth and power through ruthless means and also at the expenditure of the poorer, working class of people, they have bettered the life of the American people, more so than is compassed in other countries around the world. The capitalists of this period were justly considered captains of industry, because of the many job opportunities they had created. Thousands if not millions of Americans found work, thanks to Carnegie’s …show more content…

Inequality is only a problem if one is committed to an equality of outcome for everyone. Such people are socialists, and their reputation included Henry George. He, therefore, should be considered a biased source because he was clearly pushing his own ideological agenda. Obviously he would have a problem with these capitalists, because he had a problem with capitalism. A similar critique could be made of James Weaver’s Call to Action, in which he convicted the immoral actions of trusts. James Weaver gave that speech as Populist Presidential candidate in 1892 (Document E). The Autonomous Party was committed to some very socialist goals, which included government ownership of transportation and communication infrastructure, etc; and so he is predictably citing an egalitarian critique of the

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