Bush Fire Victims Vs Sp Ausnet Case Summary

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Bush fire victims Vs. SP AusNet – Civil law The survivors of the horrific Black Saturday fires, are suing the power company SP AusNet claiming its faulty equipment caused the disasters which lead to the death of 173 people. The lead plaintiff Ms Carol Matthews and an estimated 10,000 victims and relatives of the deceased, took the defendant SP AusNet to court for 500 million dollars in damages and personal distress. On the 7th of February 2009, a section of power lines located at Kilmore East broke and upon striking the ground, ignited a bushfire. The case came about after the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission found the Kilmore East-Kinglake bushfire was caused by an ageing SP AusNet power line. The class action took place at the start …show more content…

SP AusNet's position during the trial, was that the conductor which broke and which initiated the fire was damaged by lightning, compromising its fail-safety design in a manner which was undetectable at the time. Evidence was brought to court from the CFA and the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. A test power line was set up to simulate the situation, where the conductor was broken and did not initiate a fire, however SP AusNet dismissed this evidence in the court, as the test was set up on private property without consent of the …show more content…

Manslaughter and any other form of murder are understood to be a criminal crime. This case is a criminal case a there is no dispute between two parties, but a crime where was committed such as killing someone, as a result Mr Marshall violated the common laws of Australia and the crime has been classified as a criminal

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