Bureaucracy And Honeybees Essay

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The bureaucracy is like a honeybee. The honeybee is essential to human existence, it pollenates flowers and helps us have food and so we can survive. The bureaucracy and honeybees have become essential because overtime without them, we would not survive. We rely on the bureaucracy to give us regulations that keep us safe and provide us with support. But, on the other hand, honeybees can be a nuisance, they sting and can actually cause deaths due to allergies. Just as the honeybee can be a problem, so can the bureaucracy. Sometimes it feels as if the state is “stinging” us. Sometimes the arm of the state can feel as if it is hurting us instead of helping. As they say, don’t mess with the bee and it won’t mess with you. If we stay out of the …show more content…

Therefore, they do things that benefits themselves, instead of the general public. And an observer states, “And we got here because the U.S. Congress has intentionally abdicated authority” (Prompt).
Lowi, the author of Two Roads to Serfdom: Liberalism, Conservatism and Administrative Power, agrees that Congress has abandoned its job of creating laws because of political risk. In the sense of serfdom, Congress is held accountable by its constituents, but are also being pulled in different directions by lobbyists and interest groups. Because Congressmen and Women want to get reelected, nothing ever gets accomplished since they do not want to upset any particular groups.
While it can seem like nothing passes through congress, many regulations become bills, executive orders, etc. We view many of these regulations as commonplace because we have been manipulated by the bureaucracy to prefer certain things. We have been taught to prefer order and when things have clean cut lines. Scott gives the example of a forest. If we were to look at two pictures, one with a natural forest, the other engineered for the lumber industry. We would find the engineered forest to be more aesthetically pleasing (Scott). This is because we have been trained to dislike chaos. We prefer when things have an order to

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