Bullying: The Five Causes And Effects Of Cyberbullying

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Bullying is a learned behavior that involves physical, social, and emotional development of everyone that is involved which can be the bullies, targets, and the bystanders who are witnessing it but the most popular one that goes unnoticed is cyberbullying, which cyberbullying can be very harmful and even sometimes fatal. More people are starting to stand up against it, but there are still so many cyber bullies and just bullies in general out there that we need more people trying to find a way to stop it. I personally know at least two kids throughout my high school career who have committed suicide because of how often they were bullied. Our whole school came together during those times and had candle light ceremonies for them and their families The first type which is power hunger is when someone seeks attention from their peers. They mostly want you to react to what they’re saying, whether it be negative or positive. The second type is the retaliating victim which is someone who seeks revenge on bullies which is mostly the nerdy group of kids because they are usually the ones getting bullied offline so they like to hide behind who they really are. They are also not the big offline “thugs” who can defend themselves and throw their weight around. The third type is the mean girl which is a girl who bullies for entertainment and to alleviate boredom. The main reason the mean girl’s cyberbully is because they are jealous of someone else or they want to gain that social status. The fourth type is the vengeful angel which is someone who seeks revenge for those who have been bullied, which most of the time they are protecting their friends. The last type is the inadvertent cyberbully which is someone who uses the internet carelessly, without considering the impact it will have on others (McQuade,

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