Budweiser’s Stock

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Stocks an easy way to gain money but also a fast way to blow it all in my AG economics class we were given a task to perform and it was to gain money in the stock market. The middle class only makes 25,000 to 100,000 a year and to have the chance to learn how to flip that and double that money is skill evey one should know. I was given the chance to do and play around with fake money on the internet to learn how to manage stocks and manipulate them. Our teacher gave us a login to a game called the stock market game where we had to choose certain stock to see which ones would do better and if any of our stocks would crash. The game only let us choose from the New York Stock Exchange so the market wasn’t a wide variety of the whole market but it gave a small understanding of what it feels like to cash in or to be sitting in the dog house.
When I started out I began to look for hot brad names to see what everyone was ranting about but I started to do research and I found that Budweiser was the best choice to start out with and I bought one hundred stocks for that is the minimum for the game to buy stock so I waited one full week, after the week was up I saw only the number rise from there so I decided to begin to watch it after my first purchase it only began to rise after the purchase. I then bought two hundred stocks and watched my stocks only began to rise another week passed and we took a hit but not a major hit only 2 points but not only BUD took a hit so did the whole market and one more week passed and then I bought 250 stocks and after I started to mess with little stocks but my major stocks was Budweiser. For there have been on a major rise in the last 3 years and they haven’t taken a major hit in years, it’s been a steady ...

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... 1852 and is has lasted since then. This company started as any other company from the ground and it rose from there in stocks you can tell if the company is a fluke or not just by looking at what they do and this sock took it to the bank with a climbing rate this company never fails. I found out that every stock will take a hit at some worse than other that’s when life kicks in, but when you have proof all ways take it and never look back. Stocks really helped me out by teaching me that you must look first before just throwing your money around.

Works Cited

Author: google , Google Finance BUD, 4/21/2014, https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE:BUD&sa=X&ei=QMhVU4f-LY-MyASNlYHYCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCYQ2AEwAA
Author-, Calories, Carbs and alcohol,4/21/2014http://www.realbeer.com/edu/health/calories.php
Author : wiki, Budweiser, 3/7/2014http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budweiser

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