Budget Simulation Reflection Paper

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First, this budget simulation was a unique experience because I had never been exposed to anything like it. The simulation was a good experience because now I know I do not want to balance a budget that does not benefit me in any way. Balancing a budget can be a challenging thing if you go in not knowing anything about budgeting. In the case of this simulation, I was not sure where the money should have gone and confused me a great deal. The most challenging parts of the simulation for me was not knowing how to do a budget and responding to questions after giving my advocacy testimony. I found this to be challenging because as I said before I’ve never done anything like it. The questions after the testimony were a bit challenging because they were really good questions and they actually made me think of the issue I was advocating. When I was preparing my speech I also thought of questions that my classmates could have asked me but they were not even close to the questions that I got asked. The questions my classmates were asking me were as if they were really considering funding my issue, wanted to know my exact plan and were really interested in what I was advocating. …show more content…

Everyone’s speech was well thought out and I thought was actually very relevant in today’s society which I really enjoyed. I thought everyone had relevant and insightful information on their advocacy issues and advocating it nicely. The information and stats that my fellow classmates presented was eye opening in certain situations. For example, the advocacy issue on a community garden. I was not aware of all the benefits that creating urban gardens could bring to not only the community but also schools. Also, I really like the testimony on Wireless Phila because I like the idea of being able to have wifi all throughout the city and also be able to bring that Wi-Fi in your home for an affordable

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