Brotherhood In Julius Caesar

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In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus and Cassius respect each other when they part ways and go off to war against the conspirators. Antony shows respect toward Brutus when he describes him as “honorable” after his death. In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago respects the marlin when he puts up a great fight to catch it instead of giving up. Santiago also has respect for the sea because he believes in la mar. Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade have mutual respect because they rely on each other to take down the carnival and dark magic. Charles Halloway respects Will when he allows Will to fight the carnival instead of punishing him for being out so late at night. Joe Starrett respects Shane because Shane puts his life and career at risk to help Joe and the Starrett family. Bob Starrett respects Shane because Shane takes time to teach him many skills. Brotherhood is the emotional bond shared between people who have a similar interest or passion. Brotherhood is essential in friendships because it …show more content…

After Brutus kills himself, Antony proclaims to the crowd of commoners that Brutus was honorable. This is respectful because throughout the duration of the war, Brutus and Antony were rivals. They were on opposite sides of a large war and had completely different ideas. Brutus was honorable because he truly believes in the cause he was fighting for. Cassius has convinced Brutus that, by killing Caesar, they are saving Rome and all its citizens. Antony would be expected to humiliate Brutus and put him to shame but, instead, says, “They that have done this deed are honorable” (Shakespeare II; iii, 214). Antony is respecting all of Brutus’ hard work and effort. Antony understands that Brutus put his whole heart into fighting for a cause he believed in. This is very admirable and is worthy of respect, even if Antony did not agree with Brutus’

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