Brokeback Mountain And The Shipping News Analysis

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In her fictional works Brokeback Mountain and The Shipping News, author Annie Proulx follows the journey of Jack, Ennis, and Quoyle’s acceptance of themselves as they fight society’s ideals and struggle with a lack of family support. As they adventure into new terrain, Proulx incorporates their emotions and discoveries through the natural landscape surrounding them and expresses them through specific language choices.
The traditional values of Western culture are apparent in many forms throughout Brokeback Mountain. From a young age, Ennis and Jack have been influenced by their own fathers in a way that demonstrates discrimination and violence. For example, Ennis recalls an incident when his father brought him and his brother to see a homosexual …show more content…

The mere fact of writing a story about two strong men in love in the West is a radical, yet inspiring move. This story, once delved into reveals that many people are forced to conform to society’s wishes because of their lack of support and confidence. Jack and Ennis, through their actions, ignorance, and opinions, display the conflicting feelings being gay in a homophobic society brings up. Quoyle, a man who struggles with a lack of confidence caused by being overweight and easily manipulated, is forced to find himself. Lucky for him, his aunt, his only family member left, is able to capture him and pull him in the right direction. The constant use of knots exemplify Quoyle’s journey towards love and fatherhood. In all three journeys Proulx’s distinct settings are what sets these stories about from every self-discovery story. Along with these settings, irony causes the reader to second guess the ideas that society has forced into our heads from the beginning. Proulx successfully creates a story that allows the reader to understand the struggle of many minorities while sparking acceptance and equality for all, no matter their body type or their

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