British Independance Analysis

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The Americans declared their independance from Britain more for political reasons rather than for economic reasons.The reason why this is true is because the British government did not protect the Americans rights and because they taxed the Americans without their agreement. This claim is true because the British government did not protect the American’s and their rights. The first reason this is true is because according to the Declaration of Independance “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government.” This quote explains because the British government did not protect their rights, they have the right to change the government, get rid …show more content…

The first reason this is true is because the British did not allow the Americans “full Power to levy War”. This quote explains how the British didn’t allow the Americans to declare a war on their own, but the Americans wanted that freedom, so they decided to part from Britain. The second reason the British restricted Americans from allowing to make decisions on their own was because the British did not allow the Americans full power to “conclude peace”. This quote explains how if the Americans were in a war that Britain was in charge of, they weren’t allowed to be the ones to make peace with the other side, but the Americans wanted this power. The third reason the British restricted Americans from allowing to make decisions on their own is because the British did not allow the Americans full power to “contract alliances” This quote explains how if the Americans wanted to have another country join their side, they were not allowed to make that decision. The Americans were not allowed to make decisions on their own because they were under the British …show more content…

The first reason this is true is because the sugar act “had been so high that any merchant who paid it would have been driven out of business. This quote explains how the Americans had to pay tax from Britain called the sugar act that would make them lose all of their money. The second reason some people believe that the Americans declared their independence from Britain for more economic reasons is because the stamp act “placed new duties on legal documents such as wills, diplomas, and marriage papers” This quote explains how the Americans had to pay taxes on all of their important documents which gave the money from America to Britain. The third reason some people believe that the Americans declared their independance from Britain for more economic reasons is because the townshend acts “taxed goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea.” This quote explains how the British taxed everyday items that Americans used. The fourth reason some people believe that the Americans declared their independance from Britain for more economic reasons is because the tea act forced Americans to buy tea from the British East India Company. This explains how the British were trying to force the Americans to buy something, but the Americans wanted to make their own

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