Proclamation of 1763

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The colonists have to deal with a government that is trying to dictate what and how things should be done in America, from across the ocean, and they are starting to realize that they should have a voice for their own well being. The Proclamation of 1763 is just the beginning of the rebellion towards the British and their control over the colonists. The British acquired the French territory after the Seven Year War (French and Indian War) and because they did not want another war to start with the colonists and the Indians they issued the Proclamation of 1763 prohibiting colonists to settle in the west passed the Appalachian Mountains. This angered colonists who had either purchased or was given land to the west. After the Seven Year War, Britain now needed to find ways to generate money, and felt that since the war was fought on American land that they should help pay for its cost, and they decided to issue new taxes on the colonies trying to offset some of the cost of the war. One of the first acts they presented was the Sugar act in 1764, lowering the duties on molasses but taxed sugar and other items that could be exported to Britain. It also enforced stronger laws for smuggling, where if prosecuted, it would be a British type trial without a jury of their peers. Some Americans were upset about the Sugar Act because it violated two strong American feelings, first that they couldn't be tried without a jury of their peers, and the second that they couldn't be taxed without their consent. Even though the colonists resisted the Sugar Act, Britain issued another tax, the Stamp Act in March of 1765. The Stamp Act placed taxes on all legal documents from newspapers, pamphlets, licenses, legal documents and even playing... ... middle of paper ... ...ers in local inns, livery stables and any other establishments that could hold them. If there were still soldiers without accommodation after all public houses were filled, the colonies were then required to accommodate them in houses, outhouses, barns, or other buildings as shall be necessary. The “Murder Act” was what the colonist called the part of the Intolerable act that allowed British officials to be tried for capital crimes elsewhere then the colonies. Some of the colonists were divided about the Intolerable Acts because they thought the people involved in the Boston Tea Party acted irrationally and gave American's a bad name. Others were incensed that the actions of Parliament caused such a drastic reaction from the colonists. Works Cited John Dickinson, from Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania (1768) from Voices of America Past & Present pgs. 66-67

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