Brief Summary Of King Hop-Frog

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Hop-Frog Hop-Frog is also a dwarf and a cripple is the much abused fool of the unnamed king. Hop-Frog and his best friend are both dancers, that has been stolen from their homeland as function slaves. Hop-Frog reacts to a lot of the alcohol. He forces to consume the goblets. The king is forced to stop but instead strikes Trippetta and throws another goblet of wine into her face, in front of seven members of his cabinet council. He asked for advice on a masquerade. He was suggested some realistic costumes for the men, costumes that were chained together. The men had all agreed to wear tight shirts and the same pants, covered with flax. They will be together and lead into the “grand saloon” of masquerades a little after midnight. The guest

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