Brief Summary Of King Corn

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King Corn is a documentary about two men on the hunt to find out about the crop that drives our nation’s fast food industry: corn. They move to Iowa to grow an acre of corn, but over the year they spend in the small town, they discover some horrifying truths about the way our food is produced. About 15% of the corn produced in America is used for consumption. All this food, and we’re only eating 15%? This is especially surprising when you consider that corn syrup is in almost everything. It is in soda, condiments, bread, cereal, and much more. It’s even in some cough syrups. After seeing King Corn, I checked my fridge and pantry, and almost everything has high fructose corn syrup in it. Over 50% of the corn produced is fed to animals. Corn is a cheaper, easier way to feed animals. It is, however, very unhealthy for most of the animals who consume it. These animals were not built to process corn, so it makes them very sick. Eventually, corn fed diets kill them. To keep them alive until their slaughter date, farmers pump the animals full of antibiotics. Livestock consume 70% of the worlds antibiotics. They are killed with them in their system, so the antibiotics are in the meat …show more content…

The farmer’s answer was simple, but disturbing. He said that if consumers really wanted grass fed animals, most farmers would be happy to switch over. The bitter truth is that, while we Then I started to think about it. Would I pay six dollars for a plain cheeseburger at McDonalds? Would I be willing to spend 12 dollars on a pound of ground beef at Publix? Do I honestly want the price of every corn byproduct to triple? No, I do not, and I am very aware that a lot of people in this country agree, whether it is because they could never afford to spend that much money on food, or if they are just against the principle of paying that much for something we can get for so much

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