Brene Brown Reflection

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On November 6, 2017, I watched an online video. This video was from a website named TEDx. In this video was a female speaker name, Brene Brown. Brene Brown was someone who often performs speaker events. During, these events she will usually discuss different topics. Many of these issues relate to Human Services. She mentions, she has many degrees. All of her degrees are specializing in social work. While watching her video, she informed her listening audience she once received a call. The call was from an individual who would like her to be a guest speaker for an upcoming speaker event. She informs Brene Brown she has heard her speak once before she needs to prepare a flyer to introduce Brene Brown as a forthcoming guest speaker. She has listened to her talk before and confirms she tells great stories from experience, working with different people. She would like to call her the storyteller. She mentions a few stories about past research studies she has once performed and have worked on. In these research studies, she often works with a …show more content…

She feels social work is the job for her because, she says she is “interested in messy topics” but, “want to make them not messy.” To understand messy topics, she “must consider things she feels is important and want everyone to see.” How much of change has she made? In her academic career, she was around people who believe life was messy but, she loved it. She said she felt different that “life was messy, why not clean it up and make changes.” She mentions one of the discomforts of Social work is “leaning into the discomfort of the work.” Brene Brown feels there are so those people. She has once studied, who have like and unlike wants. As well as diverse needs. Everyone on the same subject yet, see things so differently. It will be so hard to understand it

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