Breast Cancer Research Paper

504 Words2 Pages

Cancer is a disease where cells grow at an abnormally fast pace, ignoring the growth-regulating signals in the domain around the cells. For breast cancer, it is the same thing except the cancer is located in the breasts.
Breast cancer was first discovered in 1600 B.C. by Edwin Smith. Most medical professors assume that cancer has been around since human existence, but the first recorded case was in the twelfth century.
One in eight American women will develop breast cancer per year. After lung, breast cancer is the most diagnosed type of cancer. Both men and women are affected by it, but it is more common in women. Caucasian women have more incidences with breast cancer compared to any other race. The risk of getting it also increases with …show more content…

We are able to do this by a simple mammogram. A mammogram takes picture of the breasts. It is designed only to look at the tissue and detect lumps. In order to get a clearer view at the tissue, the machine that takes the pictures has two plates. The plates push together to compress the breast. By using compression they spread out the tissue and get a clearer picture. By getting a screening you may be able to reduce the chances of mortality depending on the stage.
Mortality depends on the stage and if it is invasive. If the cancer hasn’t progressed to the lymph nodes or outside the breast the survival rate is 98.5 percent. If the cancer has spread to distant of close lymph nodes the rate of survival is 24 to 84 percent.
There are many options for treating breast cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, bone-directed therapy, and surgery. Chemotherapy is a treatment where doctors give you drugs to kill the cancer cells. You can either do this by injection or take it by mouth. Radiation therapy is a treatment that uses high energy particles in order to kill cancer cells. It is usually given after surgery to lower the rates of the cancer returning. Hormone therapy is used to lower estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that helps the growth of cancer cells. Bone- directed therapy. Bone-therapy helps lower the pain in bones if that is where the cancer spreads. Bone-therapy uses bisphosphonates and

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