Breast Cancer Essay

868 Words2 Pages

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most common from the inner lining of milk ducts. The most common type of breast cancer is called Ductal Carcinoma. Another type of breast cancer is Lobular Carcinoma, which begins in the lobules of the breast. Breast Cancer can occur in all men and women, sometimes male breast cancer is rare to happen. Breast Cancer can be two types it can be invasive or non-invasive. Invasive means that it has spread from the milk duct to the other parts of the breast and non-invasive means that it has infected other parts of the breast.
Breast Cancer affects and enter in the lives of women and it stays there for ever, in case you noitced early that you have the cancer maybe it can be removed . This type of cancer kills the majority of the women that do not take care of their selves. When a malignant tumor gets bigger, it affects the organ where this tumor is growing. When more than one tumor starts growing in one organ, the organ get infected and your body will not resist and you wil die. If you do not take care of yourself cancer can affect a lot of organs in your body, for example: Pancreas, Lungs, Liver , Brain, etc. To start preventing breast cancer it is truly important to go and have diagnostics of your body with your doctor.
An inffected breast tumor may be removed by taking the part of the breast that got infected by this tumor. If the tumor has not spread between your whole body or at
Gutierrez 2 least to other parts of your body, you may be called yourself an survivor . The maj...

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Gutierrez 4

I think that is important to know how to treat with the breast cancer disease if we do not treat these disease on time it can guide us to death. It is important to have a healthy life like getting excersice, eating healthier, not smoking etc . Also, it is important to get mammographies, skin examinations and other diagnostics that can helps us to prevent breast cancer. For now , there is no cure for the all the types of breast cancer, so it is important to be informed of new treatments on our cities. We can not let cancer to beat us. We need to be strong to fight against all these types of disease that want to end with our lives.

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