Bravery In Homer's Odyssey

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Throughout the story, Odysseus shows his bravery. On Mount Olympus , Zeus sends Hermes to rescue Odysseus from Calypso. The beautiful Calypso is in love with him and imprisons him. Hermes finally persuades Calypso to let Odyssey build a ship so he can leave. When he set sails back to his kingdom, Poseidon sends a storm to wreck Odysseus’s ship. Poseidon dislikes Odyssey because he blinded his son.Then, he is shipwrecked on the home of the Phaeacians. He is greeted warmly by the royal family. There he recounts his temptation by the deadly sirens and his fight with the sea monsters. He tells them in detail of his survival skills that were needed. They are amazed by his courage and cleverness. They provide him safe passage back to Ithaca.

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