Brave New World Of Medical Robots Speech

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After watching “The Brave New World of Medical Robots (Improved Version)” speech and evaluating it, I saw many things that a good speech needs as well as things that can be left out to enhance the speech. Overall I thought that the speech was very good and I probably would have given him an A. With that being said no one is perfect therefore we cannot do everything perfect I believe there are some things that he could improve on. His introduction was awesome! He grabbed my attention with the story of mechanical arms over a woman on a surgery table as the lead in to his speech. He used the story and distinctly told us the topic of his speech followed by the three main points he would discuss. This gave us a preview that the body of the speech would discuss three specific robots and their functions in medical settings. He also proved that he was credible to give us this informative speech when he told us he was in the pre-med program at school. I thought the intro was just the right amount of …show more content…

We learned something during each point in the speech. He cited the sources and addressed them correctly. He included many interesting details and information about the robots but on the flip side I think in some parts he gave us an information overload that wasn’t necessarily pertinent to the topic. He went deeper than the headline information when he used the citations in his speech. He kept my interest by using stories about robot used in different clinical settings and examples of other ways these science fiction robots were becoming a science fact. I thought that the speech was organized in a good order and you could tell he spent a sufficient amount of time preparing his speech. The language he used was appropriate and he explained any abbreviations he used before he used them. He did however lack humor in the speech but his topic didn’t really call for humor so it was acceptable for this

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