Boys And Girls Club Reflection

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Over the course of this semester I had the great pleasure of volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club of Story County in Ames, Iowa. Throughout my time, I was able to learn about the organization and its services while interacting with the children and staff during its afterschool program. Well over 30 kids from kindergarten to middle school attend the Boys and Girls Club and I had the privilege of forming special friendships with a few of the girls. Most of my time spent was playing board games and table games, such as pool and air hockey. I also assisted the organization with their upcoming fundraising gala event in February by assembling letters to be sent in the mail. For the duration of my time spent at the Boys and Girls Club, I was able to observe sociological …show more content…

I came to the club, ready to be attentive and present while the club is in chaos as the children were running and screaming everywhere. I realized that it is important for my verbal and nonverbal expressions to be consistent with one another. Kids may not say anything, but I think they can read into the tone of language we use and body language. Since I did not know the background of these children, it was imperative that all parts of my being showed interest in them. You see, I may express excitement through verbal suggestions (enthusiasm with tone of voice) but my nonverbal expressions, such as slouching or looking beyond the child, suggested that I am not devoted to them, thus my performance is inconsistent. Regardless of my emotional state, when I was at Boys and Girls Club, it was my duty to invest in the children with eagerness and that all my actions match. Many of the kids that come there have a rough home life and for me to not portray a consistent performance of compassion, delight, and investment may not be good for their

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