Boxer Animal Farm

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In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, all of the main characters are farm animals who after being fed up of being treated horribly, band together to overthrow their human captors and make a self-sufficient, communist, animal run farm. All was fair at first until one of the pig leaders, Napoleon, got gready and had his fellow pig partner, Snowball, chased out of the farm and made a villan to the eyes of the farm and became more of a dictator than a leader. Napolean and his fellow pig comrades then procede to break and change each and every rule of Animal Farm so much so that the other animals can’t differentiate them from the humans that they hate so much.

Boxer the horse “was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two …show more content…

His main relationship is with fellow horse, Clover, to whom he is very close with. Clover always worried for him and his health, “Clover treated the hoof with poultices of herbs which she prepared by chewing them, and she and Benjamin urged Boxer to work less hard” (114).

Boxer was also very close to Benjamin the donkey. They both hoped to retire together and walk the pasture. Benjamin is normally very nonchalant and doesn’t talk much and while he is one of the few animals who can read, he normally doesn’t read things aloud for the others. However, when Boxer was put into the truck to be sent to the “hospital”, it was Benjamin how spoke over Muriel in a rush to proclaim that Boxer wasn’t going to a hospital but rather to a horse slaughterer and glue boiler factory, (123).

In the Battle of the Cowshed, Boxer was given the title of Animal Hero, First Class, (60). With the fact that Boxer was not very bright, he only managed to learn the first four letters of the alphabet and when trying to learn the next four letters, he forgot the first four. When the work gets tough, Boxer repeats his mantra of “I will work harder” and pushes himself to his limit. He wakes up the earilest of the animals and is the last to leave to accomplish as much work as he can. Even when the windmill falls and the farm’s hard work is gone, Boxer just pushes himself and says, “I will work

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