Animal Farm Boxer Essay

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In the novella Animal Farm by George Orwell one of the main protagonists is Boxer. Boxer ia a horse, but in history, he was supposed to symbolize the Proletariat or Working Class. Throughout the book he was a hard worker, but definitely had more brawn than brains. Boxer’s Role in the book had a big impact on the animals and the story in general, it showed the working class how shortsighted they were being when it came to their very own government.
Boxer was not too smart when the pigs tried to teach the others how to read boxer could not memorize the alphabet past the letter D. When they started working on the Windmill he would wake up an hour early to get a head start. Along the way he took up the slogans “Napoleon is always right” as well as ”I will work harder” which showed his loyalty to his government. Benjamin and Clover warned him that if he kept working this hard his muscles would not keep up and one day they found him …show more content…

His will to work actuated the other animals work harder, he was like a role model to them. At the beginning of the book during one of Old Major’s speeches he says “Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds.” foreshadowing Boxer’s death. Though the Animals were not educated enough to see it, the reader notices the pigs turning to humans consequently Old Major's comments started to apply to the Pigs. After Boxer was carted of the Animals were in a frenzy, but then Squealer lied about his death, saying that the van was just bought by the vet however they had not repainted it yet and the animals did not think anything of it. This situation showed how naive the animals really were to believe such outlandish tales. Boxer's death showed how little Napoleon cared for the working class, as soon as he can not work he gets slaughtered. Like Stalin to the

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