Bowen’s Family Theory Transgenerational Model, and The Structural Model

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This paper will look at the following family by correlating Bowen’s Family Theory Transgenerational Model, and The Structural Model. The subjects of the case are Jan and John. The study describes the couple as Caucasians of Polish descent, both on their first marriage; they share three adult children who live in the same household. Their youngest child is a single mother with a four-year-old child. This couple is seeking marriage therapy for issues’ affecting their relationship, the roots of their problem extends deeply beyond the relationship and histories. Jan and John’s relationship issues involve direct emotional abuse and hostility. This is the first time this family sought marital and family therapy. Jan exhibits symptoms of abused wife syndrome while John blames Jan’s inattention to his needs for his hostility and control issues. The oldest child is Jennifer, the middle child is John, and the youngest child is Julie and her son’s name is Jaccob. The case study outlines key behavioral and social aspects influencing the relationship. The Martial and Family therapist will be taking a family systems approach to address the main issues the family is experiencing. For instance, John’s father was emotionally abusive, which is a factor for a biological predisposition to emotional abuse and hostility. Jan’s abused wife syndrome is not only due to her relationship with John, but is drawn to issues of low self-esteem because of the negativity she faces daily. However, Jan needs to learn more independence, self-respect to boost her self-esteem. She is so controlled by her husband and that she needs to learn that she is worthy of love and respect. Jan was a homemaker and raised her children, while her husband was a worka... ... middle of paper ... ...utting back on employees, he had no choice to retire. However, he was not financially ready to do so, now they are suffering in this economy. At the same time, it has been putting substantial amount of stress on him causing health problems, because of all the financial worries. The problem is that this family doesn’t stick together on anything, instead we all move our own separate ways. At this time, there are no strengths of this family, we need help coming closer with each other because we only have one family and we need to work things out, before we all lose each other. “Bringing in the whole family communicates the message that everyone has a part in the problem; the other family members, usually the parents, can be helped to take responsibility for their part in the process and no longer have to expiate guilt in a variety of ways” (Framo, 1979, p.991).

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