Bottled Water Survey Essay

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In general, the data from both the survey and the taste test weakly correlated with one another. However, while analyzing the information, there were a few patterns and correlations which stood out. The eight most prominent are listed below. The one and only solid correlation (.82) was between students who felt safety constituted their buying behavior also felt healthier water was an important purchasing factor as well. In other words, those who bought bottled water because they felt it was safer, also bought water because they felt it was healthier. Though everyone has different interpretations of health and safety, this information could be useful to marketers. The second strongest correlation (.56) were students who drank more bottled …show more content…

For instance, there was a negative relationship between those who bought water and those who stated they drink more tap water away from home. Which makes sense; the more people drank water away from their homes, the more inclined they were to buy it. In turn, this may fall under the category of convenience. Likewise, students who felt smell/taste motivated their buying habit were likely to drink more bottled water at home Furthermore, Students who felt the taste/smell of water influenced their buying decision, were more likely to say health and safety constituted their buying decision as well. It’s very probable preconceived notions about tap water influences the concern for safety. These preconceived notions could be due to water outbreaks, media, or influenced by others opinions. Similarly, individuals who felt safety constituted their purchase decision, believed water had more vitamins and minerals than tap. It’s important to note, even though this was a noticeable relationship, this was still a weak (.3) …show more content…

For instance, prior to the study, it was assumed that students were going to say bottled water was safer, as well as tasted and smelled better. As it turns out, this was a correct assumption. Furthermore, we hypothesized that the environment would play a large role in the student's decision to purchase water. Though the environment did play a large role, it was not as significant as expected. Convenience, health, and safety were the most significant reasons why people chose to drink bottled water as predicted. On the contrary, those who reported not drinking bottled water, stated environment was their highest concern. In addition, it was proposed that students would have been more influenced by marketing. But, only a small portion was impacted. One reason for this small impact could be due to the fact that many consumers aren’t aware they are as highly influenced by marketing. For instance, were student’s concern for health and safety due to the media, marketing schemes, or based on their actual research and beliefs? It is highly probably, the students place a high importance on health and safety as a result of marketing. One reason, we suspect marketing plays a role in consumer choices is because most students were unaware of water’s regulation, as predicted. Most students felt bottle water was healthier and safer without truly knowing information on the matter. Hence, marketing

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