Boston Tea Dbq

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One of the most famous events of the colonies efforts to severe ties and rebel against the British government was the Boston Tea Party. The British government enacted the tea act of 1773, in an effort to revive a failing East India Company. The Tea act would not enforce higher taxes or prices on the tea for the consumers, it was established to create a monopoly for the East India Company. The taxes for the faltering tea company would be lowered in an effort to lowball other providers of tea to the colonies. Even though colonists would be getting tea for a better value, they saw this act by the British Government as another example of unjust taxation (, 2009). Because of the actions of the British and attempts of taxation without representation, a December 16th raid of the three tea ships docked in the Boston Harbor was coordinated by Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty. These members of the Sons of Liberty destroyed and dumped 342 chests of tea into the ocean on that night. Because of the Boston Tea Party and the enactment of the Intolerable Acts of 1774 by the British. The first continental congress was called to order by the colonists in an effort to begin the resistance against the British (, 2009). …show more content…

In 1754 Benjamin Franklin created the Albany Plan of Union, the slogan and cartoon from this plan was a divided serpent sections labeled with colony abbreviations. And a short but to the point slogan “Join, or Die”. Benjamin Franklin was trying to create a unification to keep the colonies safer as a nation, from outside control and threats (, 2017). Franklin was a decade early for this idea to really take hold as a possibility within the colonies, and nearly two decades early for complete declaration of independence from the British rule and

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