Born Free: Killer Whales

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When I was younger I always wanted to be a trainer at SeaWorld and work with Shamu, but of course I didn’t know how controversial captivity was. As I got older I started researching the issue and came to the realization that Orcas, also known as Killer Whales should not live in captivity. In captivity Orcas are in danger as well as the trainers who work with them. Orcas are the largest of the Dolphin family and are found in all oceans. They range from 23 to 32 feet in length, and can weigh up to 6 tons. They are one of the world’s most powerful predators, and have even been known to prey on whales ( These magnificent mammals are born free and should remain in the oceans. It’s easy to understand that people love Killer Whales and want to see them up close, but putting them in tanks for our entertainment is wrong. When hearing the facts about Orcas in captivity I was shocked. It has been proven that Orcas in the wild have a life expectancy of 30 to 50 years and their maximum being 60 to 70 years for males and 80-100 for females. Sadly the life expectancy in captivity is only 9 years. The mental, emotional, and physical stress that a captive whale suffers can weaken their immune system and make them prone to disease ( Even though they are kept in an environment free from predators, pollution and other threats, they die young. In captivity Orcas often break their teeth chewing compulsively on metal gates. These broken teeth, even drilled and cleaned by vets, are clear routes for bacteria to enter the bloodstream ( These are the obvious factors, but there are many others contributing to the mortality seen in captivity. Besides the concern about the Whales there is concern for the trai... ... middle of paper ... ...ate of Captive Orcas in 2014.” Whales and Dolphin Organization. February 2014. Whale and Dolphin Organization. February 19, 2014. Zoological Team at SeaWorld. “Our Letter.” SeaWorld Parks and Recreation. November 2013. SeaWorld Parks and Recreation. February 20, 2014. “Killer Whales in Captivity.” Killer-Whales. 2014. Killer-Whales. February 20, 2014. “’Blackfish’ Director: Killer Whales Don’t Belong in Captivity.” The Daily Beast. October 20, 2014. Blackfish. February 20, 2014. “Incidents Between Orcas and Humans.” Orca Home. 2014. February 20, 2014.

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