Border War

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Illegal Immigration, words that spark an argument between Americans in a split-second. Some believe that the illegal aliens should be allowed into the country no matter what, but others believe that people should only be allowed if they do it the right way, by taking a test. The earliest migrants came here legally, the rules haven’t changed, so the people who want to enter the country should follow in the footsteps of those who have came before us. Border War and many Americans believe Immigrants should take the test and earn their citizenship, not go against the rules and sneak in. Immigration is not only illegal, but it causes harm to a portion of our citizens. Families associated with the process are often torn apart, and sometimes people are mentally and physically scarred from being associated. Lupe Moreno was raped by immigrants brought in by her father, she also was asked by many men if she would marry them for instant citizenship. In a time when a young girl should be enjoying her life, she was faced with decisions many people would not have to deal with until adulth...

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