Book Of Mormon Character Analysis

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A characteristic not many people have is courage. Courage can be difficult to obtain or it can be easy. Acting upon fearful choices makes a person courageous. Courageous figures are the 2000 Stripling Warriors. These young men were morally straight, courageous, faithful, and brave. Anybody can be courageous through actions and morals. One of the most important attributes is courage.

In the Book of Mormon, there is a story of Helaman and the 2000 Stripling, meaning young, Warriors. The account started with the people of Ammon covenanting with God years ago to never fight again. The Lamanites, their enemy, were planning to attack them. Since the people of Ammon couldn’t break their promise to God, 2000 of their sons volunteered to go to battle with the Nephites. The 2000 sons motive was to maintain their country’s freedom. The young men were courageous enough to fight because their mothers had taught them to keep their trust in God. Though the 2000 sons were …show more content…

The option of volunteering to fight for freedom was placed before these young men. They didn’t have to come together and choose to fight. Courageous actions can happen by saying hello to someone. Saying hi to someone might be really hard. If talking to someone frightens you and you defy that fear, by definition you are courageous. Courage is also part of growing up. Going throughout life without facing challenges makes it hard to progress. Writing essays may be your fear. If you never face your fear of writing essays, you won’t learn to write them. Morals are also a factor in being courageous. Not swearing might be a challenge, but strong morals can make difficult choices easy. Courage comes from choices, and strong morals and standards can help you make good choices. Loyalty and respect are a few of moral values. The 2000 Stripling Warriors had moral values because they were loyal to their

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