Blade Runner Argumentative Essay

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“All these memories will be lost, in time, like tears in the rain” the end of one of “the most moving death soliloquies in cinematic history” the replicant Roy Batty explains to his would be killer that everything in his life(Mark Rowlands Philosopher at the end of the Universe 234-235). This is one of the most telling speeches of the replicant Roy Batty in his search for himself. Throughout this semester, in the study for the self, one question has endured, whether each person has a built-in, authentic self, each person strives to identify, or whether each person is “free” to develop their self through their own personal experiences. Both sides to the question have evidence to support their beliefs about the self in every human, and whether it is one consistent self, or it …show more content…

This idea is the topic of much of popular literature and media. Blade Runner is hailed as one of the most influential science fiction movies of its time and is still revered to this day as one of the best movies of all time. The plot of the movie, in short, is that there are hunters and there are replicants, the hunters are trying to make sure the replicants do not come back onto Earth for they have everything humans have, but emotions. The message behind Blade Runner though supports the idea of a single goal of the self that is built into every single one of us, be it human or replicant. The replicants came back to Earth to seek one thing, their creator, to possibly extend their life past four years because they wanted to experience so much more. All replicants had the same goal in life as humans, the same desires, but because they were different, they were misunderstood and mislabeled. This one idea of working to evaluate what life is all about eclipses almost every person. The search for, who we are, our creator, why we are here, finds roots in every person. Metamorphosis and Prince, by Franz Kafka and John Locke

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