Black-Immigrant Tensions

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Undoing the Status Quo for Effective Integration: A Political Strategy Attaining an integrated society in a multiracial society such as the U.S is a complex task, if not an impossible one. “The Many Facets of Brown: Integration in a Multiracial Society” and “What’s the Antidote to Black-Immigrant Tension? Good Organizing” written by Scott Kurashige and Mchelle Garcia, respectively will help me analyze the factors that affect the effective integration among communities of the people of color in the U.S. I analyze the problems that underlie organizing in minority communities, the divide and rule system adopted by the white majority to keep the minority communities disintegrated, the persistent tension between structure and agency which gravely …show more content…

According to him, while the African Americans were gearing steadily to being integrated into the mainstream American society, their Japanese Americans suffered in internment as victims of war. This experience had a telling effect on the readiness of, particularly, the Japanese community to assimilate the concept of integration. Michelle Garcia argues that organizing is the antidote to Black-immigrant tensions. This is why she has recruited people to help in her mobilization effort, aimed at bringing people in the community together, regardless of their immigration status, in order to ease racial tensions among minority people and form a useful political constituency. The biggest hurdle to effective organizing is for all people of color to be able to see through the divisive machinations of the white majority and the willingness to rise above the tension that exists among minority people as a result of systemic structures and a sense of …show more content…

The Japanese are victims of internment, the African Americans are victims of slavery, and immigration status is also a factor to deal with. Discrimination in education, employment, and housing are structural factors that underpin the tension between discrimination and the drive for connectivity as these variables give impetus to economic power and thus play a crucial role in one’s social mobility. As a result of these categorizations, the tension between segregation and resistance become inevitable. While some people don’t feel good about the white majority rule, they are not willing to support to the struggle for unity among their kith and kin either. This situation brings into question whether minorities are ready to form a power block? In effect, it puts the struggle for Black power in jeopardy as long as organizing is

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