Birthplace Observation Essay

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The meal I am going to analyze took place last weekend. My children and I met up with 3 other parents and 4 other children adopted from Ethiopia that have kept in touch over the last 7 years that we have been in the same area. In the past we had gotten together quite regularly to talk and let all the kids play with their Ethiopian friends. Jennifer and I still make it a point to meet up fairly regularly, however, Lisa and her partner Erica moved to the Bay Area with their kids a few years ago and have not had a chance to get together with us since then. They happened to be in town for a wedding so we all met at our favorite Ethiopian restaurant to catch up and let the kids all reconnect. Our meal took place at Queen Sheba restaurant in Sacramento. My daughters and I have been going there for about 7 years now. When I first moved to back to California after adopting my daughters I found a group of fellow parents who adopted from Ethiopia and in an effort to help my children hold on to what ever bit of culture they could attended my first meet up which happened to be at the restaurant. The owner, waitstaff, and cooks are all Ethiopian and have watched my children grow up over the last 7 years. While not an elaborate setup, this place offers a bit of home to my children. Through the process …show more content…

Because of this, our meals come on large over sized metal trays. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church sticks to fairly strict periods of fasting including Wednesdays, Fridays, and the entire season of Lent. Because of this, Ethiopian cuisine contains many dishes that are vegan. Our meal consisted on of two types of lentils known as Misr Wat and Kik Wat, a cabbage dish and greens dish similar to collards greens called Kik Alicha and Gomen respectively and while several in our party are vegetarian, my daughters and I aren't so we ordered sides of Lamb Tibbs, a spicy lamb dish with bell peppers and

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