Biology Personal Statement

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After finishing Honors Biology with Mrs. Gupte sophomore year, I was not entirely convinced that a major or career in biology would be fitting for me. However, after my experiences in your class and Bio lab with Ms. Holm Anderson, I found a much greater interest in the field of biology and will consider it as a possible career or major pursuit. Over the summer, I hope to extend my interest in biology by being a part of a regenerative medicine program over the summer and numerous job shadowings, hopefully at a hospital and in a formal lab. Although many of the topics we covered in AP biology were similar to what was previously covered in other classes, I felt we went more in depth which allowed me to better understand what the field of biology truly is. I also enjoyed all the labs we did, especially at the end of the year, glowing bacteria and the gel electrophoresis. Jeremy and I enjoyed any of the hands-on lab activities we could do, including making extra gels for the lab or …show more content…

Although you gave a good amount of homework, all of it was helpful in learning the material. Likewise, reading the textbook, taking notes, and watching plenty of Bozeman videos were additional strategies that I utilized to be successful. For the most part, I was relatively effective in doing all the work assigned. If I got behind, I realized that we move on relatively quickly with the new material sometimes, so staying up to date with assignments is crucial to be an active learner. Likewise, I also feel that note taking is a very important skill that this class helped me to develop. The chapters in the AP Biology textbook are very long and provide a lot of additional information that may not necessarily be needed. If I wasn’t concise with my notes, they could get up to multiple pages in length. Therefore, the in-class picture notes and slideshows were very helpful in determining what topics to pay more attention

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