Biological Causes Of Anorexia Nervosa

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The media is all around us. On television, on our smartphones, in magazines, our country thrives off of the media. Of corse, the media is great for communication and spreading messages like no other form or way. But what most people don’t think about is the damaging effects that the negativity of the media causes. Our society idolizes those who have slim waists and “perfect” figures. Supermodels with meager arms and slim-toned legs is what is said to be perfection. But if a person were to dig past the surface of air-brushed makeup and fake smiles, they will find one of the most repugnant topics the world has ever come to know. It is hard to picture; A teenage girl who is at a healthy weight, constricting her calories to a number that wouldn't …show more content…

Sir William Gull coined the term anorexia nervosa in 1873, but Richard Morton likely offered the first medical description of the condition in 1689 (Anita, 1). Despite all of that the true causes of Anorexia are still vastly unknown. But, many biological, psychological, and social factors come into play. Many doctors, therapists, and staff at Anorexia treatment centers have started to uncover the fact that genetics come into play when a person falls down the path of Anorexia. If a biological family member has an eating disorder, a person may be at higher risk for developing one too (Knolls, 2). However, it is still unclear of how genetics are a causing factor for Anorexia. Many psychological characteristics leave some people more susceptible to seeking emotional relief through self- starvation compared to others. Low self-esteem issues caused by childhood neglect, obsessive compulsive personality traits, perfectionism, or low level of serotonin can cause a person to develop an eating disorder. Social influences can also contribute to the development of anorexia nervosa. In our society, success and worthiness are often translated back into being thin. Peer pressure is also a factor that fuels the fire for Anorexia, especially among teen …show more content…

Patients recovering from eating disorders often go through different transitions or phases. This can include different levels of care all throughout a person’s lifetime experience. If action is not taken soon enough, a person has a risk of dying. There are many places to go and get help. Depending on the severity of the disorder, a person may be emitted to a hospital or an eating disorder clinic for treatment. While there, a strategic recovery process is taken, but it solely depends from person to person the treatment the doctors choose. There are 5 stages of eating disorder recovery. The first stage is The Pre-contemplation Stage. During this stage, the patient probably won’t believe they have a problem.They may refuse to discuss the topic and deny any needs help. At this stage, it is necessary to gently educate the individual about the devastating effects the disorder will have on her health and life, and the positive aspects of change. The second stage is the Contemplation Stage. This stage occurs when the individual is willing to admit that she they have a problem and is now open to receiving help. The third stage is the Preparation Stage. This occurs when the patient is ready to change, but is uncertain about how to do it. Time is spent establishing specific coping skills besides limiting food. The fourth stage is the Action Stage. This begins when the patient is

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