Biography Interview

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Biography Interview
I had interview my father, Abel Astocondor. I had ask a lot of questions and I have each question for each topic
First I had start off the first topic, birthdate, birthplace, childhood. Where were you born? Lima, Peru. What was your favorite thing to do when you were young? Playing soccer with my team. Did you had played any sports? Yes, soccer and volleyball. How was your elementary school? Very strict then nowadays. What was your favorite subject to learn when you were young? My favorite class when I was young was math class.
I am starting with the second topic, early influences. Which soccer player influenced you to play soccer and be better? Maradonna a famous soccer player around the 70s. Who had influenced you to respect? My mother had taught me a lot of things how I behaved. Who influenced you to work? My father had owned a yarn shop and he had teach me the life of working. Who …show more content…

How many children you have? 2. Are you married? Yes, Tatiana Astocondor. What if you middle name? Efrain, it is actually my father name. How many brothers you have in your family? 2 brothers. How many sisters do you have in your family? 3 sisters.
I am starting off with the fourth topic, Education, and/or job. How many jobs you had in your life? 5 jobs. What was your highest paying job you had? Hormel ($18). Did you have a job in other cities? New York, and Lima, Peru. Did you have worked for a food factory or desert? Yes I had it was at betty janes candies.
I am starting off with the fifth topic, Interest, hobbies, accomplishments. What is your favorite food? Spaghetti with beef its very yummy. Where is your dream vacation that you like to go? My dream vacation is to go to brazil it is my dream place to go. What is your favorite topic to watch on television? Documentaries. If you will have any drink to survive what drink will you have? Coffee I had drink coffee since I was nine years

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