Biography: Antoine Lavoisier Biography

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Antoine Lavoisier Biography

Cody Sears
Teacher: Mrs. Kepler
Language Arts
26 february 2014

The chemist I have chosen is Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. As you might know, he was a fabulous chemist. Antoine Lavoisier is famous for formulating the theory of the chemical reactivity of oxygen. He also co-authored the modern system for the nomenclature of chemical substances. I have chosen this chemist because he is not one of those people that boast about all their accomplishments, but his achievements are crucial to science development. Antoine kept his accomplishments to himself. All of his achievements are fascinating to me. In this biography, I will be talking about his background, main accomplishments, and my opinion about his interesting story.
Antoine Lavoisier was born on August 26th, 1743 in Paris, France. When Antoine Lavoisier was 5 years old, his mother passed away. Therefore, he inherited a huge fortune from his family when he was five. With that money, he attended the respected college Mazarin where he specialized in mathematics, botany, astronomy, and chemistry ...

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