Bill James Sabermetrics Movement

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Bill James has been credited as the founder of the sabermetrics movement. James is a baseball writer, historian and statistician. James defined sabermetrics as "the search for objective knowledge about baseball." Thus, sabermetrics attempts to answer objective questions about baseball, such as "which player on the Red Sox contributed the most to the team's offense?" or "How many home runs will Ken Griffey hit next year?" It cannot deal with the subjective judgments which are also important to the game, such as "Who is your favorite player?" or "That was a great game." Born George William James on October 5, 1949 in Holton, Kansas, James was a Kansas City Royals fan when he began creating his theories of sabermetrics. His most profound early insight was that batting average was overrated and that a player's on-base percentage (hits + walks + …show more content…

Beane is a former professional player who’s career didn’t pan out the way he wanted. He’s currently the general manager of the Oakland Athletics’ and a minority owner of the team. Beane was the first general manager to fully embrace sabermetrics. The Athletics’ are a small market team and therefore have a limited budget to build their team with. Beane, like James valued players with higher on-base percentages to fill out his roster. He looked for traits in players that other teams didn’t value. Bean’s Athletic team’s rewarded Beanes’ thinking with 4 straight trips to the playoffs in 2000 – 2003. Even though they lost every year in the opening round called the ALDS (American League Divisional Series.) The feat was impressive nonetheless. 2006 was an even bigger year for the A’s. They won their first playoff series against the Minnesota Twins only to be swept the next round by the Detroit Tigers. Yet again, this was impressive as the A’s had the 24th out of 30th highest payroll in the majors but finished with the 5th most

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