Bilbo Baggins Quotes

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Summer Reading
The Hobbit
1) The first character that I chose that in my eyes shows heroic characteristics is the Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, and hobits are known to live a quiet and safe lifestyle, never stepping out of their comfort zone and never interacting with anything that may cause a threat. All hobbis are content to stay at home. In the text heroic symbols are shown when Bilbo steps up to a group of dwarfs who are known to be more adventurous and ready to discover. He steps up by joining them on a dangerous quest, even though the dwarfs motives had to do with gold, slaying a dragon and taking a home town back. Bilbo didn’t have a reason to join, and that shows qualities of a hero because he risked his life just to help others …show more content…

He sees beyond what others see and all the good in everyone. He would be considered a hero because the way he had faith in Bilbo Baggins that took place in chapter one, Gandalf encouraged him and many others that he had potential to step up and believe in himself. By Gandalf’s motivation he realizes the true value in the quest to get everyone together to create a journey like never before. where a normal Hobbit that wouldn’t ever be interested in discovery, encounters dangerous tasks with all opposites known as dwarfs. Beyond all his magic that would make him heroic his true qualities include his desire to help others and in my eyes that’s what truly makes someone a …show more content…

He protects Bell in all ways possible when they end up falling in love.
4) The Quest-
A) The symbolic quest to find your inner heroes, faces your worst enemy, and attain wholeness.
B) Defeating the evil dragon Smaug was a big quest for Bilbo and his peers.
C) A good example of a quest in a movie is the Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy and her friends go on a journey to find and talk to the wizard.
5) The fall-
A) The hero experiences some kind of downfall or setback.
B) A fall in the book Hobbit would be when the trolls captured Bilbo and the dwarfs.
C) The fall in another book would be The fault in our stars when 2 people fall in love and have cancer but at the end one of them passes away which creates a traumatic downfall in the movie and for the partner.
6) Magic weapon-
A) The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
B) In the Hobbit a magic weapon is used, Bilbo finds a ring that makes him invisible which helped him get by in a specific situation.
C) A secondary example for a magic weapon is in The Chronicles of Narnia when they use a wardrobe to relocate into a new scenery and

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