Big Brother And Brainwashing In 1984 By George Orwell's 1984

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The book 1984 written by George Orwell describes a world in which society is constantly watched and monitored for potential threats to the country. This world is described by a man named Winston Smith who is portrayed as a typical man living in the district of Oceania. He tells the audience of the actions being taken by a man named Big Brother, thought to be the man behind the telescreens watching everyone in Oceania for potential threats. In Oceania certain rules exist; for example, the love of another person is thought of as a crime because no one should love anyone more than Big Brother. Another rule is that Big Brother has the right to watch anyone and suspect anyone of a crime. The Party has the power to control the way books are …show more content…

"They are trying to make them believe that the party is wonderful, that Big Brother is amazing and that everyone should love, and be loyal, only to the party."(George Orwell 's 1984, children and brainwashing, By Big Brother getting society to follow him and believe that he is making the best decisions for them he is able to control their actions and control the way the government is set up. If society believes in the government strong enough all decisions will be made by the government and eventually people will no longer listen to their sub conscience. "The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obligated to act a part, but that is was impossible to avoid joining in."(Orwell, pg. 16) In order for the government to channel human emotions they allow people to watch a video about what their “enemy” is doing to destroy their …show more content…

In the book 1984 brainwashing occurred through a two-minute video in which lives of Oceania were forced to watch. In today 's society, citizens aren 't forced to believe what the media says; they choose to listen to it and let it persuade their views. I don’t think that enough people have read Orwell’s book and are not familiar with the reality that is going on today and are unable to heed his warning. "When these power elite want to sway public opinion and support, say to elect a political candidate that they control, or start a war to overthrow a dictator that they can 't control and to put in one that they can, they use the mainstream media to push their agenda and to win public support…"(The real mind control in

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