Biblical Reflection Essay

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Throughout my time spent in this class and while reading through Scripture, I have discovered many ways my story fits in with the Biblical story. It has also enlightened me on how similar many of the struggles I deal with are to those who we read about in the Bible. In regards to the Three Rs, I have seen myself reflect God’s character, or at least attempt to, while I am teaching children and students. During the summer months, I like to volunteer as a camp counselor at Camp Alexander Mack, and during this time, I have had such a wonderful opportunity to work with the children and show them the love and kindness of the Lord. Working with children brings out the best in me, and I try my hardest to exemplify His qualities while I am with the children. For example, I try to be patient, even …show more content…

God has called us to make disciples of all nations, and to do this, we must show the love and grace of God to others. I am a firm believer in showing others your feelings and character through actions rather than words. Actions speak when words fail and I know no one who would rather be told they are cared about instead of being shown through acts of kindness and love. One of my friends from home is one example of this. She grew up saying she was a Christian, but she was never at that point of actually being in a relationship with Christ. During our senior year, she told me that, if it had not been for me showing her the way she should be living her faith, she never would have taken that first step. It surprised me to say the least, but I realized after that moment, that God needed me to be that influence for others in my life as well. Not only those who I know personally, but also to those who will only see the actions. What matters most is that He will gain a new relationship with His

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