Bias And Prejudice Essay

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The knowledge of the fact that a targeting adversary or benighted society can easily influence people’s opinions and choices can seem quite frightening. The term bias applies to prejudice and altering or distorting someone’s opinion in either a positive or a negative way. It is connected to intuition and having a one-sided opinion against someone or something else, not wanting to agree to a neutral ground or accept opposing facts or information. Influencers can use it to affect outcomes of elections or alter someone’s opinion in their favour. People’s opinions and choices can be altered and distorted into poor choices when influenced by bias.

Forming and making decisions based on physical appearance and without any known facts is referred to as prejudgement or prejudice. Bias and prejudice are two relatable terms often used in the same context. Unfavourable and negative judgements are often based on age, class, race/ethnicity, nationality, gender or other traits. Lookism and racism are examples highly relevant in today’s society. Lookism bases discrimination and …show more content…

Contradictory evidence and information are payed minor attention and dismissed from any assumption or conclusion. In issues heavily infused with emotion and personal connections this effect seems to strengthen. Attitude polarization are shown to be highly evident in such cases. Where an argument between two parties aggravate even though the same information and evidence is submitted to both parties. Overconfidence in a cause is strengthened by personal belief, and few will admit to being wrong and change opinion. This can show why many people choose to believe in conspiracy theories or maintain their affiliation with a political party. It has also shown to influence politics and other organisations into making poor

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