Betty Friedan Biography

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Bettye Naomi Goldstein, better known as Betty Friedan, was an American feminist. She was born on February 4, 1921, in Peoria, Illinois. Her book The Feminine Mystique was very helpful for a lot of women to find fulfillment outside of their traditional roles.. She was also one of the co-founders of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and its first President. Betty was a good student at Smith College (All-female college), from where she graduated in 1942 with a bachelor's degree. She got married 5 years later and had three children. People that knew her said that she was one of those women that would stay at home to take care of her family. But as many other women, she got tired of her routine and that’s when she started to get an interest in equality of gender. She knew something was going on, and so did other women, but none of them seemed to realize what this problem was.

In 1957, Friedan returned to her old college, Smith College, and surveyed some of the students. And what she found out was exactly was she was expecting. Many of the women surveyed had the “problem with no name”. They were feeling bored, anxious and depressed, and the most part of them said that this was their fault.They were taught to always look pretty for their husbands and to serve them in …show more content…

We can be hired in jobs that were only for men back then. The research process allows us to know this kind of information. Many people are not aware of how bad life was for women in the past. Although the information we might find in some of the resources are not entirely true, reading them help us to make our own point of view of different topics. From what I’ve read, and what I know, Betty Friedan had a positive effect in women's lives. But all of the Feminist movement had also a negative impact in society. Nowadays some women have full time works just as their husbands and they don’t have time to check up on their

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