Best Prom Controversy

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Junior year. A time of momentous self growth and a time in my life when I felt like I really had it all together. Apparently, everyone else thought I had it together too, because I was voted class president! At our school the juniors plan the prom and I really wanted this position so that I could bring some of my personal pizzazz to the habitually mundane proms hosted by Yale High School. I knew this was my last chance to provide myself and my peers with an exciting and remarkable prom experience. So, I took life by the reins, and in the little free time I had between sports and difficult classes, I assembled the best prom ever! Do not let my words fool you, it was definitely a challenge. Getting high school boys and girls to agree on themes, fundraisers, and a venue was not easy. However, we all could agree on one thing: we wanted the venue, decor, and atmosphere to be better than ever. To accomplish this goal, our class needed about $10,000. Coming from a small town with many poor families, funds were definitely a controversy. To host the prom we hoped for, we had to come up with great fundraiser ideas and put them into action. By doing this we raised enough money to host it at the country club near our town. This was a big expense for the class so all school faculty, …show more content…

And that is, no matter how bad you want something in life, there is always going to be someone or something against you. You just have to rise to the occasion and work hard for what you want. In my case it was a someone who didn't like the decor, didn't like the venue, didn't like the food and by the time prom was over probably didn't like me. But I was mature about every issue and handled it in a way the never caused any unneeded conflict. In the end, the students, parents and even the faculty were blown away when they saw our ideas come to life. Although it was difficult, during this time I ended up learning something about

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