Benefits Of Mandatory Community Service

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Mandatory service wouldn’t exactly help benefit the U.S. If all adult citizens were required to perform one year of community service by age 30, people wouldn’t enjoy helping others as much. There are a couple of reasons I believe this. They include organizing the service work for the citizens, and not getting back what you put in. The first reason I’ll tell you about is not getting back what you put in. When people volunteer without being forced they feel good about themselves. I’d think most people would want to volunteer because they choose to, not because they are being forced to. Yes there are studies that show volunteering has health benefits but reducing stress and lowering blood pressure, but if you forced someone to volunteer who doesn’t usually do volunteer work or who doesn’t want to, would thy still get those health benefits? There is already a lot of people who are volunteering. They aren’t being forced.They are free to help others and serve how they want to. The quality of people’s work might go down if they don’t want to be volunteering. …show more content…

Would the government be in charge of coming up with the services? Some services require special training. Some people could wind up doing services they are not properly prepared for. They could injure themselves and others. How would the government make sure the volunteers get the training? Also if citizens are required to do service work on their own time, they will need pay. This could drain the finances of charities or government. People should be free to choose how, when, and if they serve. There are already organizations that help people get involved with volunteering. Why does it need to be

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