Benefits Of Lavender

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Lavender flowers used as a source of food for honey-producing bees. Honey is producing with this plant as one of the best quality nectars. The flowers also used to give flavor and aroma. That is to a variety of dishes, including sauces, salads, jellies, ice creams. In smaller quantities in wine and vinegar, for this purpose, the leaves are also used. There are many lavender crops. It produces an essential oil of better quality. If you apply, the necessary care on how to plant lavender. That can measure between 30 cm to 2 m in length. This depends a lot on the species used. Its flowers are very small and can be purple, pink or white. To start Lavender farming you may follow the steps. Where does lavender grow where does lavender grow best …show more content…

It can cover by a light layer of sifted soil. Lavender seeds can sow directly in the place where they will grow or in trays. The lavender transplant complete when the seedlings are large enough to handle. The seeds usually germinate between two to six weeks. To plant lavender first you must cut the stems. This can be with about 10 cm long. Then eliminating the leaves is in the lower part. It will bury in the ground. The soil should keep slightly humid. Since an excess of water can lead to decomposition of the cutting. The space that should be left between the plants varies from 30 to 90 cm. Lavender care. It only needs a lot of sun heats and little rain. Furthermore, It adapts to any type of soil and in the fall. You must remove those invasive plants. As they compete for resources and nutrients. You should also periodically remove old branches. That become woody, to keep the plant healthy. Comprehensive for making borders lavender is easy to grow. To reproduce the lavender we can do it by dividing the plant, cuttings or seeds. It is necessary to have a good drainage to avoid puddles which can affect their growth and even rot their

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