Benefits Of Kinesthetic Art Is The Kiesthetic Movement

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Ready, set, move is exactly what kinesthetic arts is all about. Kinesthetic art is a form of art that is set into motion by an external stimulus such as wind, light or by a mechanism. The importance of physically moving does not only get our blood flow pumping to the skeletal muscles it also increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. When increased oxygen and blood flow reaches our brain it increases the ability to think with more clarity. "In 2003, Sibley and Etnier demonstrated that, for four-eighteen-year-olds, exercise positively impacts perception skills, IQ, achievement, verbal and math scores, development and academic readiness." (Walker, 2011). Ready, set, move!
Movement Center
In order for a body to move, a muscle has to be activated by an electrical impulse. The electrical impulse sends a message to the parietal lobe, frontal lobe, and cerebellum. The message then works its way through the spinal cord next to nerve pathways to the muscles which activate movement. Kinesthetic arts to stimulate motor activity. Motor activity is followed by swift thought processes that set goals, predict outcomes, analyze variables and complete movements. …show more content…

All of the above elements are strengthened through dramatic skills such as drama, dance and physical education. These dramatic skills lead students to utilize physical movement in an artistic manner to increase their ability to be quick thinkers, problem solvers, memorization skills, self-discipline, task sequencing, and persistence. (Jensen, pg. 81). The kinesthetic arts teach students to be more at ease with who they are

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