Benefits Of Civil Disobedience

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Civil disobedience is “the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy” ( There are many benefits to being able to peacefully resist laws that are unjust, civil disobedience positively impacts a free society. The reason civil disobedience is so important in a free society is to ensure all people's rights are being protected, and to make certain that the problems facing our society are brought into the public eye. This allows people to be educated on problems giving them the ability to correct the wrongdoings. The ways that citizens can peacefully resist laws include, but are not limited to symbolic protests, civil disobedience, and political non-cooperation. …show more content…

There is currently a symbolic and peaceful protest going on in North Dakota over an oil pipeline that is supposed to be installed on an Indian reservation that would threaten the water supply for all of the people in the Sioux tribe. Thousands of individuals have protested the installation of the pipeline over the past few months. On Monday, December 12, 2016, the “Belle Fourche pipeline lost… more than 176,000 gallons, before operators shut it down” according to the Department of Health; this took place only one hundred and fifty miles from where the protesters have been camped. All of the oil had seeped into a creek, contaminating the water supply, which is what the protesters were trying to prevent from happening. The most frustrating fact may be that the companies said the oil would never seep into the water supply when it already has in so many other places. Due to the tireless work of the protestors, the plan for the pipeline is currently put on hold, which is a small win for the protesters. For now, there will be no lives endangered and no cost for millions of American’s to have access to clean water; presenting the importance of symbolic protests (by saving …show more content…

Such as on June 29, 2015 when a South Carolina women scaled a flag pole mid-day in order to remove a confederate flag. However, Bree Newsom did not do the act alone, a group of citizens (of varying races) had decided that they would not stand for the racial discrimination that the flag stood for, so they decided to act; though Newsom was the one to commit the act. People from all over have been raising money to pay for her legal fees. The group has declared that they have no plans on stopping; they will continue to do what they think is necessary until there is no more racial discrimination. Even though they face legal problems, this is still a win for the protesters, due to the fact that more attention is being paid to their cause and they are gaining support from others who were oblivious to the issue, as well as uniting people as a

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